Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to take down the Deep State and return the government to the people —
Project 2025 plan promotes a distorted and misleading narrative about race and racism in America. The plan seeks to dramatically reshape how issues of race and racism are addressed in government, education, and society at large, often in ways that would obscure or deny the realities of systemic racism.
Lawmakers in at least 44 states have attempted to pass legislation that would restrict teaching about racism and oppression in U.S. history.
It aims to significantly alter how race and racism are taught in schools because it would ban critical race theory and prohibit K-12 schools from teaching about race or gender, framing such education as a violation of parental rights. It also calls for expanding “the ongoing, coordinated attack on truth in schools and libraries, which will further deny our nation’s shameful legacy of racism.” Lastly, it promotes curriculum standards like “American Birthright” that present a whitewashed version of history, falsely claiming that European imperialism “improved life expectancy…among colonized peoples” while ignoring the devastating impacts of colonialism.
Project 2025 aims to reshape public education to align with a neocolonial and cis-white male-dominated narrative of history.
The plan also seeks to eliminate programs and policies aimed at addressing racial disparities and would ban all diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in federal agencies and government-funded institutions. It calls for dismantling the Department of Education, which is responsible for enforcing civil rights protections in schools and would eliminate the collection of racial data in employment, making it harder to track and address workplace discrimination.
Project 2025 proposes phasing out Title 1 funding and reducing support for students with disabilities under IDEA.
The plan attempts to redefine civil rights in ways that ignore or downplay racism:
- It would shift the focus of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division to prosecuting alleged “anti-white racism
- Project 2025 frames efforts to promote racial equity as “racist policymaking” and “affirmative discrimination”
- It seeks to ban the use of disparate impact analysis in assessing discrimination, which would make it much harder to prove systemic racism
In essence, Project 2025 appears designed to systematically erase or distort discussions of race and racism in American institutions, presenting a false narrative that minimizes the ongoing impacts of historical and systemic racism while claiming that efforts to address racial inequities are themselves discriminatory.
This approach would effectively lie about the realities of race and racism in America by obscuring factual information and promoting misleading narratives.
The far-right’s plan to force teachers to lie about race, as outlined in Project 2025 and related initiatives, represents a concerted effort to reshape how racism and American history are taught in schools. This agenda aims to censor discussions of systemic racism and promote a whitewashed version of history. However, educators and advocates continue to fight for the right to teach an honest and complete version of American history.